Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homework #2: A perfect world

     If I could create a perfect world there would be no violence and no crime.Everyone would be treated equally.Everyone would get along and there will be no tolerance for fighting.This perfect world would be different than the world I live in now by having everyone get along and not hearing one rude word out of anyones mouth.Life in this world would be the same to living in the world I live in now by having to live in a society that is made up similar to how we live in our society now.
     Living there would be the best thing anyone could ask for.You wouldn't complain about anything.No one could hurt your feelings and life would just be a whole lot better.Everyone would be nice to you and there would be not one person who could bully you.One ordinary day there would be like living in a world with the time of peace.You would first go to school where you won't have to worry about being made fun of.Then you would go home and play on the street with the other kids on you block.No one would be different because everyone would be treated equally.Then when it starts to get dark you would go in for dinner and go to bed at the same time as everyone else.
     This is what my perfect world would be like.

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